The Bots vs. the Cyborg (Published January 12, 2020)
Captain's Log: Stardate 2020: It was bound to happen. The first salvos between the bots and cyborgs ...
The cyber-sales-cops, (robot censors), took liberties interpreting one of my book's listed for sale via Facebook. The bots categorized my science fiction collectable book about cyborgs as pornographic. The FACEBOOK-EDITORS, whom I presume were bots, initially rejected my "Facebook Shop" listing as an adult item: "sexual enhancement / adult video." Would George Carlin call it ironic? The bots snubbed an university press book edited by two English professors which contained essays about cyborgs.

Books take on human qualities. The top of the book is the head. Typically, the head and feet of a used book may exhibit shelf wear. Any such weathering should always be listed by internet book dealers.
Glossy dust jackets may have a dullness in spots. Such blemishes are known as rubbed.
The binding is the book's backbone often referred to as the spine that holds all the pages together. Books that have been laid flat and had enormous weight placed on the book, will develop what is called a "cocked" spine. The spine of the book is not straight 90 degrees, but twisted due to rough handling. The best way to protect most books is to stand it straight on a shelf. Cocked spines can also occur when too many books are pressed onto a bookshelf. One of the first things to look at when considering book condition is the spine and binding. Tight, perfect binding with clean pages suggests the book will continue to hold its value without costly repairs.
"Rubbed dust jacket.... head.... firm, tight binding.... no marks.... $80" was enough to trigger the bots.
The matter was resolved in a few hours, and the posting was accepted. Oddly enough, bots do not know the difference between science fiction cyborg literature and porn.