Store-Front Remains Closed thru 15 May 2020 (as of APR 15, 2020)
Captain's Book Shoppe will open: Saturday, 15 May at 10 AM. Until that time, we continue to process online book orders. We are not accepting any book donations or doing any book buys until July.
Background. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds on 27 April extended the order for "nonessential retail establishments" in Johnson County (and 21 other counties) to remain closed to walk in traffic thru 15 May 2020. "... These establishments may still serve the public through online or telephone sales, delivery, or curb-side pick up. …"
Everyone associated with the daily operations of Captain's Book Shoppe remains in good health! We pray that our good friends and clients have also been safely weathering the COVID-19 storm to the best of everyone's ability.
You can send the Captain an email at:
Store Phone: (319) 351-3166